29 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11222
Like what you are learning…get started today.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to graduate students who value intellectual pursuit, advanced logical thinkers, good writers and speakers, confident because they excel in a particular passion, fluent in a second language, practical in the ways of the world, confident and physically fit, and, most importantly, on their way to well-earned higher education.

Driven by a devoted community of faculty and staff, students develop the grasp of many disciplines IN DEPTH, a love of learning and a resilient and generous outlook of the world. The connection amongst students with their teachers is deeply rooted in an enthusiastic exchange of philosophies and appreciation for each student and what they bring to our school.

An ARDOR education expands over a lifetime. We are dedicated to raise students who will enter the world secure and sure of themselves, with a sense of purpose and empathy, a belief in their own merits, an inclination to take risks and the resilience to overcome adversity.

To succeed in their full potential, ARDOR students will recognize themselves as individuals and reliable members of a larger community, aware and stimulated to make a mark in the world where they will be remembered for the positive changes they can offer with what we have taught them!